Candace McChesney, Upper Arlington
My sons went to The Graham School, and it was the right choice for them. We had wonderful teachers in both Upper Arlington and the Graham School, but at the Graham School no class was closed to them , they were as valued as the gifted students and their teachers were absolutely some of the best anywhere. No sports, no letter grades, no class rankings, just the best possible teaching and creative classes ever. History of Russia, European History, Monsters in literature, Genocide , War what is it good for?,are just a few I remember . If your child is an outside the box thinker they would love it. If they just want to blend in with the crowd they may not. There are choices and all schools are not created equal or treat all students equally. I feel very lucky that we have always had great teachers and teachers are what defines a school not books, not teaching to a test, and not limiting kids who learn differently or don’t test well to a remedial track instead of building on their strengths.