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Jacqueline Good, Cincinnati

I worked in a school where White Hat Management had one giant office for all 5 intervention specialists. We literally did not have a SINGLE room to work with our students. I finally lost it when an 8th grade E/BD (emotional/behavioral disorder) student would not stay in class. So his mom came to school EVERY day for over 2 months to physically keep her son in class!!! Then after I got the whole team together, including both parents and the school psychologist, to push for him going to a school with a behavior unit. Ohio law allows the administrator to override the entire team’s recommendation, stating…. wait for it…. We have NOT exhausted all our options at the school yet!!! Even though the only way he had been staying in class, DOING NOTHING, was because his mother was there. I reported them to the state finally and it got really UGLY. The young man did get to go to a school for kids with behavioral and emotional problems and he loved it. This is the tip of the iceberg.