Maureen Reedy, Upper Arlington
You can be the judge
I have been part of a statewide group, Ohio Friends of Public Education, for two years. It is a citizen-driven, non-partisan movement comprised of thousands of parents, taxpayers and concerned citizens who have come together to support and strengthen our public schools.
Ohio Friends of Public Education welcomes the launch of and the efforts of the Ohio Charter School Accountability Project to provide the means for Ohio’s citizens to understand how charter schools are faring, and how they are spending the taxpayers’ money.
At a time when public education dollars are dwindling, Ohio’s citizens deserve the facts on the “return on investment” of hard-earned tax dollars in the state’s charter schools. As parents and taxpayers, we have been concerned for some time that too many charter schools are failing Ohio’s students while they line the pockets of for-profit operators.
Now we have a tool in that gives us the hard facts and the means to compare the performance of charter schools with that of traditional public schools, and the amount of money being depleted from local school districts to pay for charter schools.
You can be the judge on the return of the investment of your tax dollars.
We urge you to use the search engines of and let the data tell the true story of Ohio’s charter schools.
Maureen Reedy, Upper Arlington
2002 Ohio Teacher of the Year
Co-Founder, Ohio Friends of Public Education